
Chelan County Calendar

Christmas Tree Recycling

When: January 07, 2017 08:00 AM - January 07, 2017 04:00 PM
Where: Chelan County's Wenatchee shop
210 Easy St., Wenatchee WA 98801
Event Coordinator: Chelan County Public Works

Event Details:

Wenatchee Boy Scout Troop 7, in partnership with Chelan County Public Works, is collecting your Christmas tree for disposal. Drop off your tree -- free of tinsel and decorations -- for recycling. A $5 donation is suggested to the troop.

You can also drop off your tree for recycling at the Dryden Transfer Station, 9073 Highway 2, or the Entiat brush yard, off of Highway 97A behind the fire interpretive center.

Christmas Tree Recycling