District Court

Administrative Record Request

Administrative Records - General Right of Access. 

Court and judicial agency administrative records are accessible to the public unless access is exempted or prohibited under GR 31.1, other court rules, federal statutes, state statutes, court orders, or case law. 

Information and instructions for requesting administrative records are located in the Chelan County District Court Access to Administrative Records Policy.  Any person wishing to inspect or purchase copies of administrative records of the Chelan County District Court should make a request in writing on the Administrative Records Request.  The Public Records Officer (PRO) will respond within five (5) working days from receipt of the request.  If the PRO does not respond within five (5) working days, please contact the District Court to determine the reason for the failure to respond.

Records exempt from disclosure.

Some records are exempt from disclosure, in whole or in part.  If District Court believes that a record is exempt from disclosure and should be withheld, the PRO will state the specific exemption. If only a portion of a record is exempt from disclosure, but the remainder is not exempt, the PRO will redact the exempt portions, provide the non-exempt portions, and indicate to the requestor why portions of the record are being redacted.


(a)  General Rule 31.1 and other court rules/statutes provide that a number of types of documents are exempt from public inspection and copying.  In addition, documents are exempt from disclosure if any “other statute” exempts or prohibits disclosure.  Requestors should be aware of those exemptions, outside GR 31.1, that restrict the availability of some documents held by District Court for inspection and copying. 

(b)  District Court is prohibited by General Rule and statute from disclosing lists of individuals for commercial purposes.


Request for Review of Records Officer's Decision.

Under GR 31.1, the requester may appeal the decision of the public records officer within 90 calendar days.  To initiate a review, please complete a Request for Review of Records Officer's Decision and send the request electronically to lea.garner@co.chelan.wa.us, or by US Mail to Lea Garner, District Court Administrator, 350 Orondo Ave, 4th Floor, Wenatchee WA 98801.

An internal review will be held within five business days of the date the request is received. 

Posted: 12/17/2015 02:27 PM
Last Updated: 12/16/2021 07:51 AM

Chelan County Calendar

Upcoming events and schedules at the county!

  • 09
    Aug 2024
    09:30 AM - 10:30 AM

    Public Meeting: Public Canvassing Board Meetings

    Posted by: Chelan County Elections

    The Canvassing Board of Chelan County, pursuant to RCW 29A.60.160, will hold public meetings at the dates and times listed below. The meetings of the Canvassing Board are open, public meetings under the applicable provisions of chapter 42.30 RCW, and each meeting shall be continued until the activity for which the meeting is held has been completed.

    Chelan County Auditor’s Office
  • 07
    Aug 2024
    09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

    Hearing Examiner - August 7, 2024

    Posted by: Community Development

    Chelan County Administrative Building
  • 06
    Aug 2024
    09:00 AM - 08:00 PM

    Election Day

    Posted by: Chelan County Elections

    Election Day

    Please see Ballot Drop Locations
  • 30
    Jul 2024
    08:00 AM - 08:00 PM

    Registration in person at our office

    Posted by: Chelan County Elections

    Registration Deadline in person at our office.

  • 29
    Jul 2024
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

    Registration deadline for new voters or address updates by mail, online, email or over the phone.

    Posted by: Chelan County Elections

    Registration deadline for new voters or address updates by mail, online, email or over the phone.