District Court

Traffic and Other Infractions

Being accused of an infraction can be an upsetting experience. We hope this information will be of help in guiding you through the infraction process and take some of the mystery out of the procedures. We have tried to answer the most frequently asked questions. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to ask a staff member. 

What is an infraction? 

Infractions are non-criminal violations of the law. An infraction case is a civil proceeding initiated by a Notice of Infraction (ticket). 

What must I do if I receive an infraction? 

Start by reading the entire front and back sides of the notice of infraction (or "ticket") given to you by the law enforcement officer. Your copy of a notice of infraction is green in color. If you were issued an E-ticket (electronic ticket) your copy is white in color and your options are in the top right-hand corner. If you follow the instructions you can't go wrong! You must respond to the Court within thirty (30) days of the date the infraction was issued to you. An infraction is not a crime, but failure to respond can result in an increase in the amount you must pay and in the suspension of your driver's license or driving privileges. You can respond by either mailing the ticket to the Court or bringing it in person to the clerk's office. Your response must be made in one of four ways listed on the infraction. A more detailed explanation of each type of response follows: 

  1. Respond by payment in full. If you are choosing to pay the amount of the penalty as shown on the front of the infraction, you should select box one. Verify your address and sign the infraction where indicated. You can either mail the infraction and your payment to the Court or bring it in person to the Court counter. A payment in cash, by check, or money order is acceptable. It is recommended that you do not send cash by mail.
  2. Respond by requesting a payment plan. Choose box two if you are choosing to admit responsibility and you do not have the current ability to pay the infraction in full and are requesting a payment plan. Verify your address and sign the infraction where indicated. Please contact the court for information about requesting a payment plan. Additional information is below. You may submit an affidavit of indigency and a letter explaining your financial circumstances. The affidavit of indigency is available at the clerk's office.
  3. Respond by requesting a hearing to explain the circumstances. If you are requesting a hearing to explain the circumstances, you should select box three. Verify your address, and sign the infraction on the back where indicated. You can either mail the infraction to the Court or bring it in person to the Court counter. Called a mitigation hearing, this is for cases where you are admitting you committed the violation, but wish to explain the circumstances to the judge. You may not subpoena witnesses for a mitigation hearing. Failure to appear at a hearing requested for the purpose of for the purpose of explaining mitigating circumstances may result in the suspension of the person's driver's license or driving privilege, or in the case of a standing, stopping, or parking violation, refusal of the department to renew the vehicle registration, until any penalties imposed have been satisfied. The Court, depending on the explanation and your record, may adjust the penalty but the violation will be found committed. If it is a traffic related violation, the Court will notify the Department of Licensing of the committed finding and the violation will appear on your driving record. 

    Mitigation hearings may be conducted by mail. In other words, you may send a letter to the Court explaining the circumstances you believe justify a reduction of the penalty. Please contact the court for the appropriate form. There is no appeal from a request for mitigation by writing. 
  4. Respond by requesting a contested hearing. If you believe you did not commit the violation, then you should select the fourth box and appear for a contested hearing. Unless you request the officer to be subpoenaed, the procedure at the hearing will be for the Judge to read the sworn statement of the officer. Then you may testify and present other witnesses and evidence in your behalf. If you want to have the officer or any witnesses present, please advise the clerk at the time you present your ticket or as soon thereafter as possible so the hearing can be appropriately scheduled.
    A contested infraction hearing is a civil case and the Judge will decide the case based on the preponderance of the evidence. Failure to appear at a hearing requested for the purpose of contesting the infraction may result in the suspension of the person's driver's license or driving privilege, or in the case of a standing, stopping, or parking violation, refusal of the department to renew the vehicle registration, until any penalties imposed have been satisfied. 
    You may also request a contested hearing by mail. In other words, you may send a letter to the Court explaining the circumstances you believe justify that you did not commit the infraction. Please contact the court for the appropriate form. There is no appeal from a request for a contested hearing by writing. 

What if I can't pay my penalty all at once, or wish to do community service?

Failure to pay or respond to an infraction within 30 days will result in a finding that the infraction was committed and an order that the penalty listed on the infraction is due immediately. A $52 late penalty may be added when no response is made, payment is not made in a timely manner, or a hearing is missed. For traffic infractions, the Department of Licensing is notified of your failure to respond or appear, resulting in suspension of your driver's license. Delinquent payments may also be assigned to a collection agency with collection costs added. 

If you can't pay your penalty in full at the time of the hearing, you may work out a payment plan. This is a contract for installment payments with which you must strictly comply. Read the contract carefully, as failure to follow the contract can result in late fees and assignment of the account to a collection agency and potential garnishment of wages and assets. 

You may request a payment plan at any time for the payment of any monetary penalty, fee, cost, assessment, or other monetary obligation associated with a traffic infraction. If you do not have the ability to pay the monetary obligation in full, and you have not previously been granted a payment plan for the same monetary obligation, and the court has not authorized its collections agency to take civil legal enforcement action, the court will enter into a payment plan with you. You may contact the court for information on a payment plan, or to reduce your penalty. Please fill out an affidavit of indigency as well as a letter explaining your financial circumstances. 
In some cases, you may be able to perform community service instead of paying the fine. If you choose to do so, please contact the court and request in writing your desire to perform community service in lieu of a fine. 

You may at any time contact the court and request a hearing about your inability to pay.

I forgot about my ticket. What do I do now? 

Paying the amount due in full, including late penalties and collection costs, will clear the matter with the Court. 

Partial payments are not acceptable at this point. The Court may reconsider its decision if good cause is shown for your failure to respond or appear, To schedule a good cause hearing you must file a written request for a good cause hearing and personally appear at the scheduled hearing date. If more than 90 days has passed since your failure to respond, appear, or pay, the court may not allow a good cause hearing. 


What should I wear and how should I act in Court?

Suitable attire is required. Shoes and shirts are necessary. Halter tops, tank tops, and shorts are not permitted. Hats are to be removed upon entering the Courtroom. No smoking, food or drink will be allowed. Children may be present in the Courtroom, but if they disturb the proceedings you may be requested to remove them. The Court does not provide child care. Upon your arrival, find your name on the calendar outside the Courtroom and then have a seat in the proper Courtroom until the session convenes. You do not need to check with the clerk unless your name is NOT on the list. When your case is called, come forward and stand behind one of the counsel tables until instructed otherwise by the Judge. 


May I have a lawyer at a contested hearing? 

You may, at your own expense, have a lawyer appear and represent you at your hearing. If you are to be represented by counsel, the lawyer is required to file a notice of appearance with the Court and the appropriate prosecutor, prior to the hearing date. A separate hearing is held when lawyers are involved and it is necessary to have sufficient notice for scheduling. 


Will a traffic infraction appear on my driving record? 

When you pay or mitigate the penalty for a traffic infraction or the Judge finds you have committed a traffic infraction at a contested hearing, state law requires that the infraction be reported to the Department of Licensing. The traffic infraction will then appear on your driving record. If you win at a contested hearing the infraction is dismissed, it is not reported to Department of Licensing and it will not appear on your driving record. 

How can I avoid having a traffic infraction appear on my driving record? 

Upon your request, the Court may defer findings to up to one year upon appropriate conditions, including your payment of an administrative fee. It is discretionary if the court will grant the deferral. If all conditions are met and you have not committed any new traffic infractions, the Court will dismiss the infraction. You may receive only one deferral within a 7-year period for moving violations and one for non-moving violations. If you have a commercial driver's license or you were driving a commercial vehicle at the time of the violation, you are not eligible for a deferred finding. 


What about a ticket for not having liability insurance?

If you receive a ticket for no insurance and you had insurance at the time of the ticket, you may file proof of your insurance with the Court clerk, pay a $25 administrative cost fee, and the charge will then be dismissed and not appear on your driving record. If you obtained insurance after you were issued the ticket, you may request a mitigation hearing (box 2) to explain the circumstances and show your insurance policy to the judge. However, you must do either of the above within the 30 days required by your notice of infraction. 


Is there a right to appeal?

If you do not win at a contested hearing you have the right to appeal to the Superior Court of Chelan County. A written notice of appeal must be filed with the court within thirty (30) days of the Court's decision against you. There will be various appeal costs payable in advance. If you appeal, the Superior Court will review the record that was made at the District Court, but there will not be a new trial. Instructions and forms to appeal a case are available from the District Court counter. There is no right to appeal for decisions based upon written statements. 

How do I know what court to go to for my traffic ticket? 

The court's name, address, and telephone number should be printed on your citation. If you have lost your copy of the citation or infraction ("ticket"), you need to call the District Court between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. 

Posted: 02/03/2015 12:57 PM
Last Updated: 10/16/2024 04:20 PM

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    The Canvassing Board of Chelan County, pursuant to RCW 29A.60.160, will hold public meetings at the dates and times listed below. The meetings of the Canvassing Board are open, public meetings under the applicable provisions of chapter 42.30 RCW, and each meeting shall be continued until the activity for which the meeting is held has been completed.

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  • 23
    Apr 2025
    06:30 PM - 08:00 PM

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