Chelan County District Court accepts online payments through Convenient Payments by using the below links, Online payments accepts MasterCard, VISA or Discover Cards Only.
Please Note:
A Fee is charged for this service.
If you are paying for an infraction (ticket), payments are only accepted in full.
If you are paying a red-light or parking ticket, you may pay in two payments.
You may also make a payment here if you are on court approved Time-Pay with PayAssist. Please select that link only located at the bottom of this page.
You may also pay your Collection account online by selecting that link only, located at the bottom of this page.
Parking Tickets - Red Light Camera Tickets - Discover Pass Tickets
You must respond within fifteen (15) days of the date the ticket was personally served on you. If the ticket is not paid timely, a Delinquency Notice will be issued advising the ticket has not been paid and the account will be assigned to the court's collection agency - ARMADA Corp. Once the case has been sent to the collection agency, it is the policy of the Court that any and all further payment activity is made through ARMADA Corp. only; the Court will no longer accept payment on any such accounts.
You must respond within fifteen (15) days of the date the ticket was personally served on you. A failure to pay or respond to the ticket within 15 days results in an order that the infraction was committed. If you asked for a hearing and do not appear, your payment is due immediately.
If you can't pay your penalty in full at the time of the hearing, you may work out a payment plan. This is a contract for installment payments with which you must strictly comply. Read the contract carefully, as failure to follow the contract can result in late fees, a possible suspension of your driver's license, and assignment of the account to a collection agency.
Payment plans are contracted with PAYASSIST, a division of Armada Corp. If an account is not fully paid when at PAYASSIST, the account may be returned to the Court for assignment to a collections agency. Once PAYASSIST no longer has the account, they will not accept payments.
When an infraction is not paid in a timely manner or a hearing is missed, a $52 late penalty is added to the amount shown on the ticket. Your driver's license or privilege may then be suspended if the penalty is not paid and the account may be assigned to a collection agency.
If you can't pay all of your fine at sentencing, the Judge or clerk will inform you how to set up a time payment agreement. This is a contract for installment payments with which you must strictly comply. Read the contract carefully, as failure to follow the contract can result in late fees, suspension of your driving privileges, a bench warrant or assignment to a collection agency.
Payment plans are contracted with PAYASSIST, a division of Armada Corp. If an account is not fully paid when at PAYASSIST, the account may be returned to the Court for assignment to a collections agency. Once PAYASSIST no longer has the account, they will not accept payments.
Delinquent Accounts Placed Into Collections Status
Chelan County District Court accounts receivable (criminal, civil and infraction case types) that have become delinquent and have had no payment activity, are assigned to ARMADA Corp. for collection purposes. Once an account is assigned to the collection agency it is the policy of the Court that any and all further payment activity is made through ARMADA Corp. only; the Court will no longer accept payment on any such accounts.
To assist those whose accounts have been placed into collections, ARMADA Corp. offers several types of payment options, including payment plans for those persons who have suspended driver's licenses and need to have their case FTA cleared so that the suspension on their driver's license can be lifted.
Contact information for PAYASSIST:
Phone Numbers: 509-886-3752 and 1-800-410-8467
Located at:
93 Eastmont Ave. Suite 100
East Wenatchee WA 98807
Mailing Address:
PO Box 709
East Wenatchee WA 98807
If you have any questions regarding the Court's collection policies, your account or case status, PAYASSIST or ARMADA Corp. please contact us at 509-667-6600 or via email at
Posted: 02/03/2015 01:17 PM
Last Updated: 01/15/2020 03:38 PM
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The Canvassing Board of Chelan County, pursuant to RCW 29A.60.160, will hold public meetings at the dates and times listed below. The meetings of the Canvassing Board are open, public meetings under the applicable provisions of chapter 42.30 RCW, and each meeting shall be continued until the activity for which the meeting is held has been completed.
The Canvassing Board of Chelan County, pursuant to RCW 29A.60.160, will hold public meetings at the dates and times listed below. The meetings of the Canvassing Board are open, public meetings under the applicable provisions of chapter 42.30 RCW, and each meeting shall be continued until the activity for which the meeting is held has been completed.
The Canvassing Board of Chelan County, pursuant to RCW 29A.60.160, will hold public meetings at the dates and times listed below. The meetings of the Canvassing Board are open, public meetings under the applicable provisions of chapter 42.30 RCW, and each meeting shall be continued until the activity for which the meeting is held has been completed.