Construction underway on the Upper Wenatchee Habitat Restoration Project
Upland construction work has begun on the Upper Wenatchee Habitat Restoration Project, and public is being asked to avoid travel through the project area (on land or in the river) between June 10 and Sept. 12. Please limit recreational use of the river to areas well away from the project area during this period.
The project will enhance in-stream habitat conditions and better connect a 55-acre river-left floodplain (and associated channel network) between river miles 36.5 and 37.9 of the upper Wenatchee River. In-stream, project-constructed elements will occur between river miles 37.0 and 37.9, and include installation of six engineered log jams, 12 boulder clusters (four to five large boulders/cluster) and 18 side-channel habitat logs.
Engineered log jams are designed to direct flows toward the river-left floodplain and improve mainstem habitats. The boulder clusters and habitat logs will enhance cover and hydraulic diversity in mainstem and side channel areas. The project also includes excavation of a river left pilot channel to better connect the mainstem channel to the existing floodplain channel network. The pilot channel will be about 225 feet long and about 40 feet wide (with a wider, flared inlet).
To access work areas, the project will re-open and improve 1,300 linear feet of U.S. Forest Service Road NF-7906, which was previously closed and partially obliterated by the forest service. This road segment will be closed, re-contoured and re-vegetated post-construction.
To isolate in-water work areas around engineered log jams and pilot channel inlet and to get heavy equipment and materials across the Wenatchee River, the project will construct temporary coffer dams and a multi-span, temporary bridge. These features will be removed once in-stream and floodplain work are complete.
Construction requires helicopter-based and ground-based techniques, and will occur primarily between June 10 and Sept. 12. Trail and river closures are in effect to assure public safety during project construction. You will see warning and informational signs at river access sites throughout the upper basin.
Between June 10 and Sept. 12, the trail on the west side of the river will be closed to all forms of travel where it passes through the project area. There will be no detour or bypass in place.
In-stream construction will occur between July 13 and August 23rd. Aquatic travel will be restricted during the entire in-water work period. A helicopter will be working over the river corridor July 13-15, and a temporary, channel-spanning bridge will be in place July 25th- August 6th, 2024.
Last Updated: 08/01/2024 12:02 PM
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