River recreationists need to be cautious near Cashmere bridge project
The new West Cashmere Bridge is expected to be open in July. The bridge was originally scheduled to be opened late last year; however, delays in construction submittal approvals for work over the railroad impacted the overall schedule.
The change in schedule impacts our local river recreationists, including the rafting companies and kayakers who are preparing for the 2022 season on the Wenatchee River.
The wooden work trestle that was built over the river at the site of the new bridge remains in the river; Chelan County had hoped to remove it last September. State requirements don’t allow the county to do any in-water work – including removing that work trestle – outside of the in-water work window, which begins July 15. So the work trestle will remain in the water for the spring/early summer rafting season. The project's contractor hopes to begin working on removing the trestle once that in-water window opens.
The good news is that we no longer are asking river recreationists to follow a marked path when passing under the work trestle. Little work will be going on at the work trestle, so this year a banner directing kayaks or rafts is not necessary. The construction warning sign on the shore upstream of the bridge will remain until the project is completed.
Please use caution when passing under the work trestle.
Last Updated: 07/26/2022 01:13 PM
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