
Signage at West Cashmere Bridge directs river recreationists through construction site

(Photo above: Rafters in October 2020 pass under the temporary work trestle that is being used to build the superstructure of the new West Cashmere Bridge, located near Goodwin Road.)


With construction of the new West Cashmere Bridge entering its second season, river recreationists on the Wenatchee River near Cashmere are reminded to follow directional signs at the work site in order to pass safely under the project's temporary work trestle.

The work trestle is essential to the building of the new bridge, which is expected to be completed by the end of the year. The 300-foot work trestle sits on about 30 pilings and spans nearly the width of the river at the work site, near Goodwin Road. It will not be removed from the river until sometime in September.

In the early spring, recreationists were being directed toward the south bank of the Wenatchee River; however, that may change as construction progresses. It's important to be vigilant when approaching the bridge's work site, which is up river from Riverside Park, a popular take-out location for rafters and paddlers.

"COVID restrictions last year really impacted the rafting season, so we didn't see the high number of river recreationists that is typical of our area," said Jill FitzSimmons, public information officer for Chelan County Public Works. "We are expecting the traffic going by the bridge's project area to really pick up this rafting season. That's why we're reminding people to watch for that banner on the work trestle, directing people to where they should be passing through."

The trestle will be removed toward the end of the project's in-water work window, which is July 15-Sept. 30. An in-water window is common on any construction project that involves a local river or stream. It typically comes at the warmest part of the year, when water levels are at their lowest and fish life will be least jeopardized. The window, specific to a river and its ecosystem, is determined by various state and federal agencies, which consider weather, water levels, aquatic habitats and the species of fish living in the body of water.

The county's contractor also has built a new center pier in the river. It is about 10 feet in diameter.

Keep up on the progress of the new West Cashmere Bridge on the project's construction page.

Last Updated: 09/01/2021 04:06 PM

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