
Wenatchee Heights Road project begins Aug. 10

UPDATED SEPT. 29: Paving started today on the Wenatchee Heights Road Improvement Project. The contractor is starting on the downhill side and expects to be headed uphill tomorrow. Crews will be using 1,600 tons of material a day, and paving is expected to go into early next week, with private driveways being paved either Friday or Monday. Motorists will experience one-lane, flagger-controlled traffic with a pilot car when needed.


POSTED SEPT. 24: After completing the cement-treated base, the contractor plans to begin paving the project area by about Tuesday, Sept. 29. Paving will take about three days. The road closure on Wenatchee Heights Road will remain in effect for the time being. A detour route is available via Wheeler Road, and a pilot car will guide motorists through the project area when necessary. 


POSTED SEPT. 16: The temporary detour onto Wheeler Road has been extended through Sept. 25.


POSTED SEPT. 2: A section of Wenatchee Heights Road is closed for two weeks beginning Sept. 2. The road is closed from milepost 1.12 to 1.77, or at the east and west intersections of Wenatchee Heights and Wheeler roads. A temporary detour is set up on Wheeler Road. The detour is in place on weekends and in the evenings as well.

The detour onto Wheeler Road is necessary so the project’s contractor can build a retaining wall that will allow us to widen the road at the hairpin corner on Wenatchee Heights Road. The detour will be signed at the east and west ends of Wheeler Road and temporary barricades will be placed at the road’s intersections with Wenatchee Heights Road. People living on Wheeler Road should anticipate increased traffic during the temporary detour. We thank you for your patience.


POSTED AUG. 12: A temporary change in schedule is coming to the Wenatchee Heights Road improvement project.

Chelan County’s contractor on the project will be working a night shift, 1 p.m. to midnight from Aug. 17 through Aug. 21. The temporary schedule change is so Selland Construction can install six culverts across the roadway while avoiding peak traffic times on that road.

Wenatchee Heights Road is experiencing heavy traffic at this time because of the ongoing cherry harvest. Crews will return to a daytime schedule on Aug. 24.

Traffic safety measures will continue to be in place. The roadway in the work zone is at one lane, with a pilot car leading motorists through the work area. Flaggers are on site, and the speed limit is reduced to 25 mph. In the evening, additional safety lighting will be used.

The one-week, temporary change in schedule should reduce the overall construction schedule. Work on the project started Aug. 10 and is expected to be done in early October.


POSTED AUG. 3: The Wenatchee Heights Road improvement project is scheduled to begin next week.

The project’s contractor, Selland Construction of Wenatchee, will begin on Monday, Aug. 10. The project will take about 60 working days, with completion expected in mid-October.

During construction, motorists should plan for some traffic delays, with flaggers directing the one-lane traffic. A pilot car also will be used to safely guide motorists through the work zone, and the speed limit in the construction area will be reduced to 25 mph. The contractor plans to work a 10-hour schedule, four days a week; however, hours may include Fridays when needed.

The road rehabilitation project will widen the roadway from the start of Wenatchee Heights Road at its intersection with Squilchuck Road to milepost 1.32, or just past the hairpin turn.

Rehabilitation will be done using a recycling technique called full-depth reclamation, or FDR. FDR, which has been used by Chelan County Public Works with success, is a technique in which the fully flexible pavement section and a portion of the underlying materials are uniformly crushed, pulverized and blended, resulting in a stabilized base course. Then a mat of asphalt is placed on top.

The project also will widen the roadway, including the hairpin turn on the project’s east end. And the project will replace deficient guardrail, upgrade existing shoulders, improve drainage and complete other safety improvements.

Total project costs are about $2.4 million; the project is being paid for with a state grant and county road funds.

Last Updated: 08/24/2021 09:05 AM

Chelan County Calendar

Upcoming events and schedules at the county!

  • 14
    Apr 2025
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

    Registration deadline for new voters or address updates by mail, online, email or over the phone.

    Posted by: Chelan County Elections

    Registration deadline for new voters or address updates by mail, online, email or over the phone.

  • 09
    Apr 2025
    10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    Chelan County Civil Service Commission

    Posted by: Human Resources

    The Chelan County Civil Service Commission will be meeting on April 9, 2025.

    Chelan County Commissioners Office, CM Conference Room 1
  • 05
    Apr 2025
    09:00 AM - 04:00 PM

    Monthly Drop-Off Saturday - April 5, 2025

    Posted by: Solid Waste Management

    Drop-off Saturday at the Moderate Risk Waste Facility is April 5.

    Chelan County Moderate Risk Waste Facility
  • 03
    Apr 2025
    10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    Public Meeting: Official Logic and Accuracy Test of Voting System and Accessible Voting Unit (AVU) Demonstration

    Posted by: Chelan County Elections

    Chelan County Auditor’s Office
  • 02
    Apr 2025
    09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

    Hearing Examiner - April 2, 2025

    Posted by: Community Development

    By Zoom Video Conference or in person at 400 Douglas St. Wenatchee WA 98801