District Court, Probation open limited-time, account-relief program
Chelan County District Court and District Court Probation are offering a limited-time, debt-relief program from April 14 to June 14.
You may qualify to have your account balances significantly reduced if you have account balances with the debt-recovery firm Armada Corp that are from unpaid fines and fees ordered by Chelan County District Court or Chelan County District Court Probation. Our intent is to provide an opportunity for you to pay off your court fines and fees, probation costs and court-ordered victim restitution at a greatly reduced cost.
Questions? Call Armada Corp. at 509-884-8000, Chelan County District Court at 509-667-6600 or Chelan County Probation at 509-667-6656 to discuss your eligibility for this limited-time program.
Posted: 03/76/2025 12:47 PM
Last Updated: 03/76/2025 12:54 PM