Request for Accommodation for Person with Disabilities
Chelan County Superior Court provides accommodations for persons with disabilities who require assistance in order to participate fully and equally participate in Court programs, services or activities.
Accommodation requests are granted to any person with a disability for whom such accommodation is necessary under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) (42 U.S.C. §§ 12101-12213), the Washington Law Against Discrimination (RCW 49.60 et seq.), or other similar local, state, and federal laws and Washington Supreme Court General Rule (GR) 33.
If you are entitled to receive an accommodation, primary consideration will be given to the accommodation you request. If the requested accommodation is not provided, the Court may offer an alternative.
Generally, five days' notice is requested to review accommodation requests. However, all requests should be made as soon as reasonably possible and all requests will be addressed promptly and in accordance with ADA requirements.
NOTE: Chelan County Superior Court may also utilize informal approaches to providing accommodation. For example, some assistive devices may be available upon request.
Chelan County Superior Court has the following auxiliary aids and services generally available upon request:
Hearing Amplification/Assisted Listening Devices
Parking Access
Pen and Paper
Structural Access
Procedure for Requesting Accommodation from Superior Court.
To request an accommodation, complete the ADA Request for Accommodation form and return it to the Superior Court Administrator along with any documents you want the Court to consider, such as medical records. Return it to:
Fona Sugg
Superior Court Administrator
P.O. Box 880,
Wenatchee, WA 98807
In person:
401 Washington Street
Suite 508 – 5th Floor Law & Justice Building
Wenatchee, WA 98801
If you provide medical and other health information, you must attach your information to form Sealed Medical and Health Information Cover Sheet. Your medical and other health information will be automatically sealed (kept private) when you submit the information under the cover sheet.
Decision - Accommodation requests will be granted unless providing the requested auxiliary aids or services would result in a fundamental alteration to the Court's programs, services, or activities or impose undue financial and administrative burdens.
The Court shall, in writing, or on the record, inform the person requesting an accommodation that the request for accommodation has been granted or denied, in whole or in part, and the nature and scope of the accommodation to be provided, if any. A written decision shall be entered in the case/ proceedings file, if any, in which the Court shall determine whether or not the decision should be sealed. If there is no proceedings filed, the decision shall be entered in the Court's administrative files, and the Court shall determine whether or not the decision should be sealed.
Useful Documents
Instructions and Information about Requests for Accommodation for Persons with Disabilities (ADA Requests)
Posted: 02/15/2022 08:32 AM
Last Updated: 02/15/2022 08:46 AM
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