Per Washington State (RCW 39.04.151 (2)), MRSC is now the official administrator of the Chelan County small works roster. The statewide small works roster is a centralized system for public agencies seeking qualified contractors for small works projects, consulting, and goods and services – $350,000 and under.
To get more information on the new process, register your business, browse public agencies and review training opportunities, or go the MRSC Rosters.
Current Requests for Proposals/Qualifications
Twenty-Five Mile Creek Culvert Replacement Project: Phase I Design
Request for Qualifications
Due: Jan. 17, 2025
The Chelan County Flood Control Zone District in partnership with the Public Works Department, invites consulting firms with expertise in providing professional services in the areas of structural/civil engineering design, geotechnical, hydraulic, environmental documentation, appraisal services, and construction management to submit their qualifications for developing the Twenty-Five Mile Creek Culvert Replacement Project, Phase 1. This project proposes to replace a dual box culvert with a new bridge to allow post-fire flood flow to pass under South Lakeshore Road in Chelan, Wash. Phase 1, the design phase, is estimated to start in February 2025 and be complete by May 2026.
Interested firms must have experience in the following: design and construction of bridges; design and construction of stormwater systems (including hydraulics reporting); geotechnical investigations; utility coordination and relocation required by the project; public outreach and education support; design/construction schedules; detours/traffic control plans; local agency plans, specifications, and cost estimates; WSDOT standards, methods, and procedures; bridge load ratings; appraisal services; and navigating endangered species act consultation and other environmental support services.
Please submit a PDF copy of your firm’s Statement of Qualifications (SOQ), no more than eight pages, excluding covers, cover letters, resumes, and references with a minimum size 12 font. Submittals must be submitted via email to Shaun Honeycutt by 5 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time) on Jan. 17, 2025. No submittals will be accepted after that date and time.
Submittals will be evaluated by Chelan County staff members, based on the following criteria: (1) Firm qualifications completing projects of similar scope and size; (2) Qualifications of proposed personnel; (3) Suggested approach for completing the project; (4) Capacity and ability to complete the work within schedule and budget; and (5) Methodology for communication with the County, adjacent landowners, and other project stakeholders.
Chelan County will review and score all submittals and will short-list the top three firms for virtual interviews over Microsoft Teams. Include your firm’s availability for this interview within your firm’s SOQ. Chelan County will make a final selection after conducting virtual interviews and inform all firms that the submitted whether or not they were selected for the work. Execution of a consultant agreement is expected to be completed January 2025.
The selected firm will be expected to execute a "negotiated hourly rate" consultant agreement on the current edition of the WSDOT Local Agency Professional Services Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement template. The selected firm must have a current Indirect Cost Rate Acceptance Letter from WSDOT for their overhead rate. Payment under this consultant agreement will occur once a month and requires the submission of a progress report and any required support documentation as applicable (i.e. invoices associated with any direct non-salary costs, mileage logs; personnel names, employment classifications and number of hours, etc.).
This project includes the possibility of a second phase agreement where the Phase 1 agreement will cover preliminary engineering and all other necessary supporting work required to develop a shovel ready project with a potential supplemental agreement that will cover construction management services at the discretion of Chelan County.
Chelan County, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations herby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprise will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.
Chelan County will comply with all Federal and State Equal Employment Opportunity regulations where relevant or applicable, to the end that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, creed, age, sex, or marital status, sensory, mental or physical handicap or national origin, be excluded from participation in; be deprived of the benefits of; or be otherwise subjected to discrimination.
Chelan County in accordance with the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), commits to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability, in all of its programs and activities. This material can be made available in an alternate format by emailing Shaun Honeycutt.
Posted: 10/20/2014 01:42 PM
Last Updated: 12/18/2024 11:52 AM
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The Canvassing Board of Chelan County, pursuant to RCW 29A.60.160, will hold public meetings at the dates and times listed below. The meetings of the Canvassing Board are open, public meetings under the applicable provisions of chapter 42.30 RCW, and each meeting shall be continued until the activity for which the meeting is held has been completed.
The Canvassing Board of Chelan County, pursuant to RCW 29A.60.160, will hold public meetings at the dates and times listed below. The meetings of the Canvassing Board are open, public meetings under the applicable provisions of chapter 42.30 RCW, and each meeting shall be continued until the activity for which the meeting is held has been completed.
The Canvassing Board of Chelan County, pursuant to RCW 29A.60.160, will hold public meetings at the dates and times listed below. The meetings of the Canvassing Board are open, public meetings under the applicable provisions of chapter 42.30 RCW, and each meeting shall be continued until the activity for which the meeting is held has been completed.