A draft update of the CWPP is available for public review through Feb. 28. Review the document and take our survey! The survey, which is collecting public feedback, is open through Feb. 28 as well.
The 2024 HMP was approved by FEMA on Dec. 30, 2024. Explore the project's StoryMap to learn more about the natural hazards in Chelan County. From the StoryMap, you will also find a hazard mapper tool that you can use to explore specific risk areas.
Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan & Community Wildfire Protection Plan
The Chelan County Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) is a comprehensive document that evaluates and identifies natural hazards, potential risks from those hazards and projects to mitigate for and respond to hazard events within Chelan County. FEMA approved the 2024 HMP on Dec. 30, 2024; it expires Dec. 5, 2029. The 2024 plan is online: Volume 1, Volume 2, City Hazard Maps
The Chelan County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) is a comprehensive plan that assesses wildfire risk, identifies prioritized areas for wildfire risk reduction, reviews different treatment options and provides a mitigation action plan. Work on the update to the CWPP is currently underway. Both plans are developed through steering committees and public input.
Updating the Plans
In 2023, Chelan County was awarded grant funding from FEMA to perform an integrated update to the 2019 HMP and the 2019 CWPP.
The Chelan County HMP Planning Partnership, comprised of Chelan County and the cities of Cashmere, Chelan, Entiat, Leavenworth and Wenatchee; fire districts 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8; Lake Wenatchee Fire & Rescue; Cascadia Conservation District and Chelan County Flood Control Zone District, reconvened to update the 2019 Chelan County Multi-Jurisdiction Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan. The update process will reassess the risk from natural hazards using the most up-to-date information and provide the Planning Partnership an opportunity to update its mitigation actions plans.
The HMP planning process is integrated with an update to the Chelan County Community Wildfire Protection Plan. The CWPP planning team has also reconvened to review the 2019 plan, update the risk assessment and re-address issues such as wildfire response, hazard mitigation, community preparedness and structure protection. Work on the update is expected to be completed in spring 2025.
CWPP Wildfire Sub-Committee
The CWPP Wildfire Sub-Committee is made up of local fire district representatives, state and federal fire services, members of the public and community-based organizations.
Posted: 02/12/2015 09:54 AM
Last Updated: 02/13/2025 03:28 PM
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