Natural Resources

Stemilt Partnership

Stemilt Partnership

In response to the proposed sale and privatization of over 2,500 acres of DNR upland forest in the Stemilt Basin in 2007, Chelan County established the Stemilt Partnership, a broad coalition of agriculture, wildlife, recreation, development, and conservation interests.  The Partnership and Chelan County worked to stop the sale and created a vision for managing the landscape in such a way as to protect the water resources, wildlife, and recreational values of the community.

The Stemilt Partnership continues to be very active in addressing issues and opportunities that arise in this upland forest.  In 2012, Chelan County purchased about 2,500 acres in the basin from Longview Timberlands, with the intent of preventing privitazation and developement in forest.  WDFW has purchased several sections from DNR in order to manage for the benefits of wildlife and resource protection.  The Stemilt Partnership meets regularly to discuss management of what is now referred to as the Stemilt-Squilchuck Community Forest.  Stemilt Partnership meetings are open to the public- see the event calendar for meeting dates.  


What's Happening in the Stemilt-Squilchuck Community Forest?

Posted: 01/26/2017 02:25 PM
Last Updated: 01/25/2023 02:41 PM

Chelan County Calendar

Upcoming events and schedules at the county!

  • 14
    Aug 2024
    09:30 AM - 10:30 AM

    Public Meeting: Public Canvassing Board Meetings

    Posted by: Chelan County Elections

    The Canvassing Board of Chelan County, pursuant to RCW 29A.60.160, will hold public meetings at the dates and times listed below. The meetings of the Canvassing Board are open, public meetings under the applicable provisions of chapter 42.30 RCW, and each meeting shall be continued until the activity for which the meeting is held has been completed.

    Chelan County Auditor’s Office
  • 14
    Aug 2024
    10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    Chelan County Civil Service Commission

    Posted by: Human Resources

    The Chelan County Civil Service Commission will be meeting on August 14, 2024.

    Chelan County Commissioners Office, Conference Room 1
  • 09
    Aug 2024
    09:30 AM - 10:30 AM

    Public Meeting: Public Canvassing Board Meetings

    Posted by: Chelan County Elections

    The Canvassing Board of Chelan County, pursuant to RCW 29A.60.160, will hold public meetings at the dates and times listed below. The meetings of the Canvassing Board are open, public meetings under the applicable provisions of chapter 42.30 RCW, and each meeting shall be continued until the activity for which the meeting is held has been completed.

    Chelan County Auditor’s Office
  • 07
    Aug 2024
    09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

    Hearing Examiner - August 7, 2024

    Posted by: Community Development

    Chelan County Administrative Building
  • 06
    Aug 2024
    09:00 AM - 08:00 PM

    Election Day

    Posted by: Chelan County Elections

    Election Day

    Please see Ballot Drop Locations