Public Works

Chelan County Road Projects

Chelan County Road Projects

No. 2 Canyon Road Preservation (CRP 736)

History: Number 2 Canyon Road serves residential, public lands and recreational traffic. The primitive, or dirt, road is severely rutted, lacks proper drainage and has narrow lanes of irregular width and steep grades. Debris flows over the roadway are common during rainstorms.

During the most recent years, substantial resources have been invested in the Number 2 Canyon recreation area by a private recreation group. This project is the final piece in a longstanding and ongoing effort to improve access to the recreation area and enhance recreational activities.

Project Description & Benefits: The project will improve the primitive section of Number 2 Canyon Road, between milepost 4.35 and 4.97. Road improvements will include re-establishing the 18- to 20-foot roadway width, smoothing out large ruts, improving drainage and graveling the project area.

When completed, the road, which leads to an extensive trail system and Forest Service land, will provide continuity and reasonable access to an ongoing trailhead project near the end of the county road.

Location: See the vicinity map for the project’s location.

Project Schedule: Project completed fall 2023.

Traffic Impacts: The work area will be closed to through traffic; it will be open to locals only. Public Works encourages recreationists to stay away from the area while crews are working.

Funding: The $450,000 project is funded by a nearly $400,000 grant from the Washington State Federal Lands Access Program. The remainder will be paid for by the Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance and local contributions.

Orchard Street Drainage Improvement Project (CRP 737)

History: The Peshastin area has a history of poor drainage conveyance, which can be a problem during larger storm events. Heavy rains at times can lead to standing water in the core of the small town. Orchard Street is located between Main Street and High Street.

Project Description & Benefits: A stormwater project, the Orchard Street Drainage Improvement Project continues work completed in 2019 on neighboring High Street. Work includes construction of several concrete inlet structures and a direct connection into the town’s main stormwater trunk line. The project’s goal is to better manage stormwater runoff.

Location: See the traffic map for the project.

Project Schedule: Project completed July 2023.

Traffic Impacts: Construction will require a five-day detour, with one lane, flagger-controlled traffic. Motorists should plan for minor traffic delays, or to avoid the area during construction if they can.

Funding: The estimated cost of the project is $140,000, which will be paid for with county funds.

2023 Countywide Signing Improvements (CRP 740)

History: Chelan County Public Works collected and analyzed historic and current traffic accidents and trends to determine what safety improvements should be put in place on its roadways to help the state achieve Target Zero.

In that research, the 2017 Chelan County Road Safety Plan identified lane departure crashes as a top priority. A similar signing improvement project was completed in 2021 in various parts of the county. This project is a continuation of that work.

Project Description & Benefits: The project will install curve warning and advanced curve warning signs. It will upgrade existing advanced

Location: See the vicinity map for project locations.

Project Schedule: Project completed summer 2023.

Traffic Impacts: Traffic impacts at times may include one-lane, flagger-controlled traffic with minor delays.

Funding: The project is being paid for with a $394,000 HSIP grant.

South Lakeshore Road Phase I (CRP 743) 

History: South Lakeshore Road is located along the south shore of Lake Chelan, one of the most popular tourist destinations in the state. The road is a vital link on the lake’s south shore that serves residential, agricultural, tourism and recreational traffic. It leads to two state parks and the city of Chelan. The important roadway needs rehabilitation and resurfacing.

Project Description & Benefits: The project begins at milepost 6.0, or at Lake Chelan State Park, and goes 0.68 miles up South Lakeshore Road. The half-mile stretch will be widened to match the adjoining road sections, providing a safer roadway for not only motorists but also the many bicyclists who travel up the lake. The roadway also will be resurfaced. The project may include some rock blasting.

Location: See the vicinity map for the project’s location.

Project Schedule: Design will get underway in 2023 and construction is slated for 2025.

Traffic Impacts: The project will require one-lane, flagger-controlled traffic. The work area may need to be closed at times for rock blasting. Traffic impacts will cause traffic delays.

Funding: The project is expected to cost about $2.5 million. A state RAP grant will pay for the majority of the project. County road funds also will be used.

Harris Court Drainage Improvement Project (SD2025)

History: Neighbors have raised concerns about stormwater runoff from the Harris Court roadway corridor, especially during periods of rainstorms.

Project Description & Benefits: The project includes abandoning an old dry well and replacing it with a new catch basin and 300 feet of stormwater conveyance pipe that will connect into the city of Wenatchee’s Western Avenue stormwater system.

Location: The project begins near the intersection of North Western Avenue and Harris Court, just outside the Wenatchee city limits.

Project Schedule: Construction is complete.

Traffic Impacts: Work on Harris Court will require a single-lane closure. On Western Avenue, the roadway near the work area will be closed to one lane for two days during construction. Flaggers will direct traffic.

Funding: The project will be paid for with county funds.


Posted: 05/03/2023 02:41 PM
Last Updated: 01/04/2024 12:59 PM

Chelan County Calendar

Upcoming events and schedules at the county!

  • 03
    Apr 2025
    10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    Public Meeting: Official Logic and Accuracy Test of Voting System and Accessible Voting Unit (AVU) Demonstration

    Posted by: Chelan County Elections

    Chelan County Auditor’s Office
  • 02
    Apr 2025
    09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

    Hearing Examiner - April 2, 2025

    Posted by: Community Development

    Chelan County Administrative Building or via Zoom.
  • 01
    Apr 2025
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

    Ballots will be mailed to voters

    Posted by: Chelan County Elections

    Ballots will be mailed to voters

  • 21
    Mar 2025
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

    Ballots mailed for military, overseas and out of state voters

    Posted by: Chelan County Elections

    Ballots mailed for Military, Overseas and Out of State voters

  • 19
    Mar 2025
    01:00 PM - 02:00 PM

    Hearing Examiner -March 19,2025

    Posted by: Community Development

    By Zoom Video Conference or in person at 400 Douglas St.