Public Works

Mission Creek Road

Mission Creek Road


A road pulverizer/mixer (above photo) is used in full-depth reclamation, the pavement rehabilitation technique that will be utilized in the Mission Creek Road preservation project.



Mission Creek Road, located in south Cashmere, serves both residential and agricultural properties. It is also used by recreationists accessing public lands and trails at its southern end. The road and its base are deteriorating. In addition, existing guardrail terminals are not constructed to the most current standards and several warning signs do not meet the most current county standards.


Project Description

The project will rehabilitate 2.42 miles of the road, beginning from milepost 2.58 (near Coates Road) to milepost 5.0, using a technique called full-depth reclamation, or FDR. See Project Vicinity Map.

FDR is a pavement rehabilitation technique in which the asphalt pavement and a portion of the underlying materials are uniformly pulverized and blended together, resulting in a new stabilized base course. Then a mat of asphalt is placed on top. Chelan County Public Works has used FDR successfully in road preservation projects, including most recently on Wenatchee Heights Road near Wenatchee and Eagle Creek Road near Leavenworth.

The project also will replace deficient guardrail, replace existing road signage and institute other safety improvements. There are no proposed alignment modifications to the roadway.


Construction Schedule

Construction is complete. A $1.3 million construction contract was awarded to Selland Construction of Wenatchee.



The $1.5 million road project will be paid for with $750,000 from the state’s Rural Arterial Program and with county road funds.


Frequently Asked Questions


The project is funded by sources that allow us to use more substantial construction methods to preserve the roadway. These methods allow us to improve the driving surface by smoothing out ruts, bumps and dips and then placing asphalt, which is more resistant to weather damage and vehicle wear when compared to chip seal.

Several mailbox posts that are too close to Mission Creek Road will be replaced with crashworthy posts, or posts that help reduce the risk of injury if a vehicle strikes the mailbox. If the post is replaced, the existing mailbox and newspaper box will be reattached to the post. The best way to find out if your mailbox post will be replaced is to contact us and provide the project manager your address and a description of the mailbox location.

For property owners who wish to keep their existing mailbox support, they must relocate their mailbox support further from Mission Creek Road. Please contact us to determine if the new location is acceptable. Examples of non-crashworthy posts are wood posts larger than a 4x4, steel pipes embedded in concrete, large pipes or pieces of wood extending toward the road, and decorative or protective housing built around the mailbox. We can also provide details on the types of mailbox supports and boxes that are allowed next to the roadway. Email us at

It depends on the type of road or driveway that you use to access Mission Creek Road.

If you have a permitted gravel driveway/private road, the first 10 feet (starting at its connection to Mission Creek Road), or to the county right-of-way, will be paved with asphalt and then transitioned into the existing drive using crushed surfacing. This minor amount of paving protects the roadway from damage caused by vehicles entering and exiting the road. 

If you have a permitted paved driveway/private road, the connection between Mission Creek Road and the drive will be paved with asphalt to provide a smooth connection.

Yes. One-way, alternating traffic will be used during work hours. Flaggers and pilot cars will guide traffic through the work zone. You may have to wait up to 15 minutes with these operations in place.

Construction will start in the summer 2021 and take approximately six weeks to complete. We will keep you updated on the progress on our Facebook page.

No. The project funding source only allows for preservation of the existing roadway. This means we will be recycling the existing chip-sealed surface and underlying base by pulverizing and mixing the chip seal and base material to create a stabilized base. This is called full-depth reclamation. We will then place asphalt on top of the base in the same location as the chip seal. These preservation methods will improve the surface of the road by smoothing out ruts and filling in potholes and improving the road’s structure by making it more resistant to weather damage and vehicle wear.

Besides pulverizing and paving, the project will replace existing road signing, update guardrails to current crashworthy designs, remove several hazardous objects (abandoned utility poles and concrete debris, for example), update hazardous mailbox supports, replace survey monuments in the road and restripe the roadway after paving.

Posted: 02/19/2021 09:28 AM
Last Updated: 08/23/2021 12:52 PM

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    Apr 2025
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