The county-operated, drop-off brush site in Leavenworth will not re-open this spring. Read more to learn where you can bring your yard waste in Chelan County.
The Chelan County Moderate Risk Waste Facility continues to see growth in the amount of household hazardous waste it is safely disposing of or recycling. Learn more about how to dispose of your household hazardous wastes safely.
We have FREE woodchips available at Chelan County’s brush yards during regular business hours. All you need is a shovel and gloves to self-load and haul away your new chips! Read more for details.
The county-owned, drop-off brush site on Icicle and East Leavenworth roads will be open two Fridays a month for the foreseeable future. It will be open the second and fourth Friday of each month through October.
Beginning April 1, the Dryden Transfer Station will be closed for most of April so a contractor can repair the concrete floor of the pit where garbage is collected and loaded, commonly called the “push pit.”
Chelan County Public Works in April will host a Small Quantity Generator collection event for small businesses looking to safely dispose of hazardous wastes. Businesses must pre-register.
A new record was set in 2023 at the Chelan County Moderate Risk Waste Facility. The facility took in its greatest amount of household hazardous waste yet – more than 74.3 tons.
The Chelan County Moderate Risk Waste Facility started accepting used latex paint for recycling in late June. The facility is now collecting about 70 gallons a day from the public.
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